How to Choose the Best Web Hosting for Your Website
Web hosting services are like a home to your website. It determines how good your website will perform. Therefore, you should not be careless in choosing one. When choosing a web hosting, there are 4 criteria you should consider, which are the speed, security, scalability, and support team. Below are some tips that you can follow to choose the best web hosting for your website.
Check the Quality of the Server Performance
The first thing you must pay attention to is the quality of the server performance. Do not let your success slow down just because your website is difficult to access and other hosting service technical problems. There are many parameters that you can see, for example, the server location. There is no better server location than the country where your potential customers live. If your website targets, say American customers, then it is better if the server is also in the United States.
Moreover, you should also consider the server specifications located in the data centre of your hosting service provider. These specifications cover the server technology, processor speed, RAM capacity, hard disk, and network speed. You can look for such information on the official website of the web hosting you are going to choose.
Check the Plans Price
The next tip in choosing the best web hosting service is checking how much the plans cost. You can compare the detailed specifications and types of plans among hosting services as well as their prices. Higher prices usually offer better plans and performance. For example, VPS or Virtual Private Server plans are more expensive than unlimited hosting plans. It is because VPS services offer higher specifications, providing better performance than unlimited hosting services.
אחסון אתרים has SSD VPS service that delivers impressive IOPS and extremely high performance. Also, all servers are in a separate storage segment. Do not get tricked by cheap prices. What’s the point of choosing a cheap hosting service that does not provide good service quality? Can you get free hosting? Yes, some hosting providers hold a free hosting program that you can join. But there are some requirements that you should meet.
Check the Refund Policy
A refund or money back guarantee is the best facility that a hosting service provider can give. This means that the provider guarantees your satisfaction as a customer. Almost all hosting providers offer this policy, including אחסון אתרים. This hosting provider offers a 100% refund for 60 days. If you cannot set up a website or are not satisfied with their service within 60 days, they promise to cancel full payment for storage.
Remember that each hosting provider might apply different terms and conditions when it comes to a refund policy. Make sure to make it clear when it comes to this. You should at least know how much you will get, the system they use to refund your money, and how long they take to do so. Do not hesitate to ask the customer service if you are not clear with the policy.